Emtelle Networking Solutions

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Customer Profile

Leading global manufacturer of blown fibre and ducted network solutions.


Emtelle’s primary aim was to leverage recent sales success in Scotland to secure wins in England, where there was a lack of awareness of how their new technology could be applied. The first challenge was to identify who, in the rail market, could specify such technology, the second to increase awareness of a market-leading proposition based on technology which had not yet been adopted or endorsed by the market.

A two step strategy was needed. 

The first stage was to build relationships with key influencers, in both direct (asset owner) and indirect markets (design engineers, consortia and international engineering groups such as Thales). 

The second was to identify projects where current standard technology was likely to be deployed and challenge the norm, painting a picture of a better way forward.


A benchmarking pilot and subsequent prospecting programme, strictly targeting a limited number of select companies

Telephone and internet research to identify and qualify possible specifiers

Telephone prospecting to reach and engage confirmed specifiers, including turnkey providers

Email marketing to recruit delegates for a Rail event designed to support the initiative


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The Client's View

“You’ve provided invaluable support to us in developing opportunities in the rail market”
David Parsons
Sales Director

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