Dexion Storage Solutions

Library image with Dexion logo

Customer Profile

Dexion provides storage, archiving and logistics solutions for use in a wide variety of industries and applications.


With a strong brand in quality racking products, Dexion wanted to reposition themselves as a storage solutions provider. 

The driving aim was to differentiate in order to fulfil their growth ambition, and to reach influential commercial buyers ahead of specification. Target markets included food & drink, e-commerce and retail.


As a first step, Fast Track Solutions designed a prototype approach for generating leads and securing sales meetings with top decision makers in the food and drink sector. Success here led to an extension of the programme into large e-commerce and retail companies, and then the ambition stepped up.

Dexion identified 35 top UK companies they wished to secure as major accounts, so the strategy was adapted, focusing more on high level intelligence gathering and account mapping prior to first introduction.


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The Client's View

"Fast Track proved they were capable of asking intelligent questions, just as one of our own sales people would, to determine whether the prospect was suitable for visit. This has had the effect of our sales people only visiting potential customers when they want to be seen and when they have a project worth talking about, meaning that not only wasn’t our sales person’s time wasted but also the client’s time wasn’t wasted with an unnecessary meeting."
Scott Williams
UK Marketing Manager

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